Annual HOA Dues

Due by September 1st

1) HOA dues will be requested on July 1st of each year.
2) HOA dues are $200 / year ($100 Annual Fee + $100 Annual Assessment)
3) Every HOA homeowner / lot owner in Frenchman’s Bend will be responsible for paying their HOA dues
for each home/lot they own.
4) HOA dues are considered late after Sept 1 of the same year.
5) Once a homeowner/lot owner is considered late they will receive a bill in the mail with an applicable late
fee added to their dues.
6) After a period of 30 days from Sept 1 the HOA Board will begin the process of turning over delinquent
payments to our attorney. At that time our attorney will provide a certified letter by mail asking for
payment of HOA dues, all late fees, and reimbursement of attorney fees.
7) Beginning on Nov 1 of the same year, the HOA Board will begin the process of filing Liens on
delinquent payments. At that time, to prevent a Lien, a homeowner/lot owner will be responsible for
paying the HOA dues, all late fees, and any attorney filing fees.
8) Once a Lien is processed on a home/lot the HOA Board will not have the ability to remove a Lien
without full payment from the homeowner / lot owner.


File Date added
jpg Annual Fee Collection Guidelines August 28, 2019 2:25 pm

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